Sunday, August 23, 2015

Creating with Flowers...Day Twelve

I had some down time between shifts of work this week and since it didn't make sense to drive all the way home I spent the time browsing the thrift stores.   Today's arrangement was inspired by my "find".

This  wall piece I am sure was originally meant to use with votive candles.   But I immediately saw it as vases for flowers instead.

After making the wall arrangement I filled my watering can with some additional flowers and then played with what I could find to add to the entrance display.

Brewster, my rooster seemed to fill one spot and the doll crocheted by my son's Grandma filled another.

Please don't think that I rearrange my porch décor this often.  I'll usually make some seasonal changes, but never weekly like it has been lately.

But the challenge has been fun.

The three vases are arranged with the same basic number and size of flowers.  First to go in was the white phlox.

To this I added the peppermint stick zinnias that were part of a mixed package and Red Cap zinnias from Seeds Savers Exchange.

The greenery is the trimmings from a boxwood bush that keeps growing faster than the three others that it is growing with and thus needed pruned.

The watering can has the same flowers as the little vases with the addition of daisies, white marigolds, Meteor Zinnias from Baker Creek Rare Seed Company, and Polar Bear Zinnias from Renee's Garden Seed.


This guy has been around for a very long time.  He's never been able to keep his hat and bib overalls on.  He's even cuter when I can find them!
Brewster's had his fair share of adventures too over the years.  He seems to look quite handsome in a variety of settings.
Take time!  Enjoy your day.
grannie m


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