Monday, August 31, 2015

Creating with Flowers~Day Seventeen

I've been a little side tracked lately and I've been waiting to post when I get into town to save on my data usage on my internet plan.  My old/new headboard finally got finished too, so I was busy filling it up with pretties and cleaning out closets.   I usually make several bouquets and post one a now I will do catch up so I can still get my thirty in thirty days in the book!

Scrounging through the thrift store I found this was cracked at the top,,. but the texture and color intrigued me.

Finding the right colors to go with it was harder than I thought it would be.  These sunflowers contrast nicely. 

To the sunflowers, seed heads from older flowers were added to give the bulk that was needed to fill the vase.

The purple leaves and blooms are from  a Genovese Basil, possibly Red Freddy from seeds of a friend.

The shiny green leaves with burgundy stems and blooms is Malabar Spinach which vines and spirals nicely in the garden.  Lucky for me the steers were grazing in just the perfect spot in the background.

One more shot....
and a final resting space.   Although sunflowers make lovely bouquets,  their pollen leaves big messes and sometimes stains too. 
Back to closet cleaning!
grannie m

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