The arrangement started with lavender phlox and then the three peachy pink daylily blooms.
The orangey pink zinnias and orangey yellow zinnias were added next. There were still gaps and these were filled with balsam in a shade just slightly darker than the phlox.
Verbena bonariensis and dark purple butterfly bush blooms finished out the bouquet.
The wind again played havoc with the arrangement. I tell myself to get out the floral wire and tape to help make the blooms hold their heads the right directions...but so far I haven't gone that far. It seems too professional.
I had intended to use brighter, more neon colored flowers in this vase. Somehow the daylilies kept screaming, "Use me! Use me!". The semi-pastels pleased me in the end.
The photos are numerous today. The colors were fun to play with.
True to their name, they only survived the day. But had I more of them they would have been replaced they next day.
This vase usually sits on this shelf empty. Maybe I will do a dried arrangement or fake flower arrangement for winter.
and then it rested on the little commode in the living room where we could enjoy it for the rest of the day..
Now that I've felt a bit more successful using this vase I'll try to use it more often.
Are you practicing saying the rhyme Susie sells Seashells yet?
grannie m
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