Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Creating with Flowers~Day Twenty One

So often I feel like the mouse in If You Give A Mouse a Cookie.  One thing just leads to another in my life.  I've been walking around the house looking at things and had noticed the horse on a shelf and thought...hmmm a westernish arrangement might be fun.  But I couldn't find a "vase" that fit the western style.  But when I was cleaning a cupboard in the laundry room, I happened upon the horse shoe and that finally lead me to realizing I could use a saucer for a pot.

I put in a small piece of foam and filled the saucer with sand and then poured on water and added the horseshoe, the horse and a rock.  Let's just say the overly wet sand turned to mud was not such a good medium to build in.  Every little bit the arrangement shifted and I couldn't bear to see the yucky muddy sand and ended up trying to cover it all up.
The plants a muck are variegated iris blades, Rattlesnake Master, orange Butterfly Weed,  Blue prunella (purple),  and a few  head of dill.

I threw some sedum in too to help cover the ground and add that bit of bright green.  The name of the tall bluish purple sprig in the back's name is evading me right now.  I have plans to add it to another next time I'll name it.

Not being very satisfied with this arrangement, I've been re-envisioning it for an arrangement next year for the "Don't Fence Me In" category at the fair.

This bugger was hard to move and the biggest worry was breaking my hubbie's horse.  He got it from his Grandfather's collection.

As always, it was fun to play with the colors in the photos.

The final resting space for this one is on the kitchen table,
 I  can't say this put me in the mood to watch Roy I won't end with his old cliché...
Have a's gonna be a rainy one here!
grannie m

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