Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Creating with Flowers~Day Twenty-Eight ~ Jar in a Jar.

For my last three bouquets, I looked for inspirations from an expert.  While browsing at the library the book Fresh Flower Arranging by Mark Welford and Stephen Wicks caught my eye.

When I first started looking through the book I thought "well I'll never have all those flowers, or that vase".  Then I started to read and started to think about the concepts being presented.  Size, space, color, etc. and the possibilities began to open up to me.

This arrangement begins with finding two containers that will nest inside each other and leave enough space to add flowers in the space below the top of the larger container.   The larger container is filled with shallow water and then the smaller container is filled and placed in the middle.

The task then is to arrange the flowers around the perimeter between the two jars.  I found that a pencil or other long narrow object helped with this.

Inside the jar are yellow marigolds, feverfew, and asters.   Arranging in this small space was a challenge.  How the two containers nest together is a "big" deal

I was tired (poor me) and in a hurry to finish up before the rain and I didn't spend much time on the top.  The top bouquet is asters, stiff goldenrod, and an unknown which might be a type of  fothergilla. 

I debated adding Love Lies Bleeding to the arrangement so that there would be fall from the top of the jar.  Looking through the photos now, I realize that a coordinating ribbon around the top jar with or without a bow would have tied the whole project together.

Looking better from this vantage point....

Final resting point was the entry way.  It was time to refresh and discard the old.  I rate this experience as an A+ learning adventure. 

What will your adventure be today?


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