Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Creating with Flowers~Day Twenty-Seven

Meet my friendly backyard neighbor.  When I went out to browse the gardens, this guy had strung a long strand of his web across the walkway from one bed to the other.  It took a while to disconnect...one tough little string for such a big and yet tiny spinner.

Deciding to use this cage filled with jars, I convinced myself that I needed to try something different rather than just putting Black Eyed Susan branches through the cage wires.   I also promised myself I wouldn't overfill it.

Let's just say I have no self control.  Can you see the cage?  Sometimes the photos make the bouquet's look "better", but I really think that's not the case with this one.  My thought is better luck next time.

First to go in was the Sweet Autumn Clematis and then because I found these awesome weedy grass heads growing behind the clematis vine a few of them went in too. 

Next in were the Black Eyed Susan branches followed by more grass heads.  Finally I added a branch of  Black Dragon Coleus which is almost invisible in the photos.

I wired the cage shut and hung it on the porch for a while.   In this photo the cage is just a bit more visible.

Final destination--the dining room window where the light helps give it an airy touch.

Well this one didn't quite give me a black eye, but I probably will stick to just the Black Eyed Susans next time.  Keep it simple, silly!

grannie m

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