Thursday, August 27, 2015

Creating with Flowers...Day Sixteen

My thoughts today went to Back to School days.  First on my agenda was gathering the items that reminded me of going back to school.  I gathered the usual pencils, crayons, scissors, rulers, and then of course the apple for the teacher.

But of greater interest I gathered the McGuffy Readers that were the ones that my Grandma used when she taught country school.  The tin pail and lid is what my mother-in-law said was a lunch pail used by her family to carry a sandwich in to school and maybe a cookie or an apple.  The can is about 3 inches around and about that tall.  Not at all like the big lunch bags of today.

The flowers for today's bouquet are red dahlias, yellow marigolds, Strawberry Fields gomphrena, and purple hoary vervain ( a weed or a native depending on your outlook).

I learned to read at home using the McGuffy Readers and then later in school using the Dick, Jane and Sally series.  Funny, funny Sally was always my favorite.  I once left McGuffy's Third Reader Book out in the lilac bush where we had our pretend school and it got rained on.  The pages were wrinkled, but the book and I both survived.

The vine you see in the above picture and in some of the others is Malabar Spinach.  Some time soon I will pick some leaves and see how they cook up or taste in a salad.  It has shiny green leaves, burgundy stems and an interesting bloom.

The table quilt used today was made when my oldest child graduated from high school 14 years ago.   

Another picture.

And another.

And the final stop for the day.
 I miss going back to school.
grannie m


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